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  • Writer's pictureMatt Weisberg



Divide and Conquer

We are suffocating in our own social media echo-chambers; our human weaknesses being exploited for others' political gain. The ability to surveil, predict, and manipulate our behavior is the newest weapon to be willfully deployed as a means to "Divide and Conquer".  

While we can and must take legislative measures that restore balance and preserve our liberty, it is also incumbent upon us to mitigate our descent into tribalism and undo the divisive effects of social media. This will require a spiritual awakening. We — as in humanity, singular — need to evolve.

This does not mean to continue our facebook rallying cries and our incisive but ineffectual attacks on our perceived enemies. As Albert Einstein famously said,

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them."

But there is a way. In examining the neuroscientific, emotional, and moral underpinnings of our political landscape, we can then consciously (even if counter-intuitively) call on the skill of cognitive empathy* to understand and co-habitate with those who think (and feel) differently from ourselves.


​ We can fight for nuance instead of each other, find common ground, and re-unite The United States.

"Compassion, not capitulation” - Arlie Hoschschild



"Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes. Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend." --- Robert A. Heinlein (1973)

President Donald Trump's base has been emotionally exploited. Their otherwise admirable trait of loyalty and subsequent deference to authority makes them uniquely susceptible to authoritarianism and conspiracy theories. If you've ever been conned, then you know that intelligence is secondary to emotional vulnerability. Trump’s supporters are not stupid or racist — some, yes, but not all — their primal xenophobia (which we all share to some degree) was deliberately targeted and enabled.

Ipso facto, you cannot argue them out of their beliefs. Trying to argue against dogma is like hitting your head against a wall. It generally sounds something like Richard Dawkins getting frustrated with the inimitable, Ms. Wright.

"You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into." - Jonathan Swift

Instead of evaluating logic on its merit, Trump supporters and followers of America’s far-right flank get their beliefs from authority figures. It is an innate value and tradition; not a conscious choice. As such, you cannot convince them to abandon their cult-leader through re-education. If they decide to change their minds, it will be because they want to; primarily, when they feel safe, or at least safer than they do now.

Do you ever wonder why conservatives can't bring themselves to bake a gay wedding cake? Or object to tearing down statues of Confederate Army traitors? It's not because they're mean. It's because they're scared.

We're ALL snowflakes. It's just that we melt a bit differently. In the same way that a progressive is outraged at the sight of unfairness and inequality, conservatives are triggered by disruptions in the existing hierarchy.

Like all of us, uninvited interpretations and advice can be perceived as attacks; giving them a way off the hook. They will focus their vitriol on "the other" (and "the Democrats"/"The Left") instead of processing the shame of being successfully exploited by an obvious con-man.

Beyond that, insulting them or demonizing their savior fortifies psychological defenses and drives them further into their in-group. Hence, the rise of Newsmax, Parler (until it's recent collapse), OANN, and the burgeoning incipience of stochastic terrorism.



You can safely assume that the majority of people reading this blog, and for that matter, those reading scientific journals, will consider themselves "progressive/liberal." There is good reason for this:

Liberals and Conservatives fundamentally appeal to different value systems based on a neurological "openness to experience". This trait is directly correlated with the neurological ability to update beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. We're wired to preserve our beliefs as if our lives depended on it - This goes for everyone.

“Try not to get overly attached to a hypothesis just because it’s yours.”- Carl Sagan

Studies have shown that a larger amygdala (fear-center in the brain) and more active insular cortex "insulates" against conflicting information by rationalizing existing beliefs and subsequently acting to confirm preexisting bias ("confirmation bias"). Hence, more fear; less receptivity to new information.

Being that the very "nature" of the scientific method is to be in a constant state of flux, the average conservative's difficulty in updating their beliefs in the face of conflicting information negates the value of the scientific process.

Oil companies knowingly exploit these vulnerabilities by preying on the paradoxical willingness to vote against one's own well-being; systematically targeting highly "Red" (and impoverished) areas where they will encounter less resistance to climate denial propaganda. Predictably, the 2nd most polluted state in the country, Louisiana, is also home to the Tea Party.

The burden to affect change falls on those with the greater ability to engage their meta-cognition and challenge their own tribal impulses. As those on the left are, by definition, more open to experience and belief updating, it is your responsibility to resist the temptation to see the world through the childish lens of Black and White/Us vs. Them/Good vs. Evil.


Authoritarianism 101

Historians see the relationship between Trump and his followers as a reiteration of Nazi Germany or Caesar's Rome. Sociologists regard the leadership style as Right-Wing Authoritarianism ("RWA"). Mental health professionals warn against malignant narcissism and the shared delusions of his followers.

Though tempting to assume that Trump's election loss will suspend his brand of leadership, it will not. There will always be psychopaths in pursuit of power. He is but a symptom of a much broader susceptibility.

"Research indicates that a bed rock 20-25% of the adults in North America is highly vulnerable to a demagogue who would incite hatred of various minorities to gain power. These people are constantly waiting for a tough “law and order,” “man on horseback” who will supposedly solve all our problems through the ruthless application of force. When such a person gains prominence, you can expect the authoritarian followers to mate devotedly with the authoritarian leader, because each gives the other something they desperately want: the feeling of safety for the followers, and the tremendous power of the modern state for the leader." - J. Altemeyer

A highly polarized political landscape combined with the perniciousness effects of gaslighting; especially from an authority figure - cannot be understated. He exhausts the resolve of his constituents (and likely his family) by obscuring reality with a barrage of lies; bending their reality to his will.

He took a vulnerable population and groomed them deeper into submission by positioning himself as their one true savior, and thus, closed the feedback loop of political co-dependence. Of course, this all happened slowly enough not to notice ...

”Irrational authority is based on emotional submission of my person to another person: I believe in him being right, not because he is, objectively speaking, competent nor because I rationally recognize his competence. In the bonds to the irrational authority, there exists a masochistic submission by making myself small and the authority great. I have to make it great, so that I can — as one of its particles — can also become great. The rational authority tends to negate itself, because the more I understand the smaller the distance to the authority becomes. The irrational authority tends to deepen and to prolong itself. The longer and the more dependent I am the weaker I will become and the more I will need to cling to the irrational authority and submit.” E. Fromm

According to a recent Quinnipiac poll, 70% of the Republican Party (34% of overall population) believes that Joe Biden's victory is illegitimate. This number is a bit of a red flag as it indicates a growing percentage of the population that seems susceptible to this type of manipulation.

If these vulnerabilities persist into 2024, someone more competent than Trump will hijack democracy with ease, and for good. It wouldn't be hard to find someone that doesn't compulsively insult war heroes or drink 12 Diet Cokes per day.

The blueprint for American fascism has been drafted. Trump was but a prototype.

NOTE: Of course, ALL of the concepts here are overarching generalizations, and the reasons people support Trump are widely varied. Trumps “base"= the quarter of the population who are susceptible to being mobilized into an authoritarianism system; both genetically predisposed; and environmentally conditioned with extreme religious indoctrination, authoritarian parenting style, industrial influence, media consumption, and fear-based political manipulation.



I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain.” - John Adams

Only through structure comes chaos. Only with safety comes art and creativity. Only with purity and sanctity is there space for the occasional hedonism. It's a balance. We are truly different creatures with different intuitions about right and wrong (it's a spectrum, of course).

In Jonathan Haidt's bestselling book: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion, Haidt argues that humans have “moral tastebuds” through which we view life and politics.

Conservatives are generally less open to new experience, and therefore, their value set is based on seeking to maintain the status quo; in a greater sense, the conservation of experience. This neurological substrate drives the impulse to seek authority as a previously established source of trust, sanctity, and in-group loyalty. Conversely, liberals prioritize fairness and reducing harm.

Read the book or watch his TedTalk summation:

It is not to say that liberals aren't loyal to their friends and family, but their visceral reaction to a perceived act of betraying an authority-figure or member of the in-group may indeed be less intense than your average conservative. Reciprocally, a conservative may very well take umbrage at the sight of an unethical meat-packing plant, but it's less likely that they're the ones directing the documentary exposing the inhumane treatment of animals.

Liberals liberate. Conservatives conserve -- Liberals liberate a culture from ideas and norms that have become outdated and counterproductive. Conservatives conserve the foundations and the stabilizing values of a culture.

These differences were necessary to get us here. They should be understood and respected. Better yet, conservatives are also more self-reliant and conscientiousness. We could stand to learn a thing or two.

Another moral map: The Duval-Schwartz Diagram ..and with Haidt's layered on top (right). More here, from "Pathos".

Notice how regardless of which side of the aisle you sit, the drive to protect oneself through self-enhancement breeds more primitive personality traits - authority, security, power, etc. If Abraham Maslow taught us anything, it's that when our needs aren't being met, mother nature has a way of taking us right back to square one.

And so, combine the political disenfranchisement, economic hardship, and the incessant drone of identity politics coming from the "woke" but intolerant Left; and the weight of such perpetual anxiety is the perfect breeding ground for right-wing egomaniacs to take well-meaning, intelligent, benevolent, traditionalists and transmute them into racist, fascist, xenophobic, anti-semitic, violent cultists.

The drive to attain power and security has no end.



When challenges to the sense of safety (or a worldview) threaten the sense of order needed to maintain a feeling of safety, psychological defenses are engaged and critical thinking is suspended; retreating into existing norms of authority and in-group hierarchy. In it's most extreme conservative form, freedom itself becomes intolerable as the need for security "trumps" all other values. This is what's known as Right-Wing Authoritarianism.

"what defines the essence of the authoritarian personality is an inability: the inability to rely on one’s self, to be independent, to put it in other words: to endure freedom." - Erich Fromm

Throughout history, politicians and deities are seamlessly conflated in the form of God-Kings. This very powerful "transference" sets the stage for some of the susceptibility we find when fundamentalists betray their own spiritual convictions in prioritizing the value of authority, itself.

"Behind the father stands the archetype of the father, and in this pre-existent archetype lies the secret of the father's power...The danger is just this unconscious identity with the archetype, the more a father identifies with the archetype, the more unconscious and irresponsible, indeed psychotic ... he ... will be" -- Carl Jung

Liberals also become increasingly dogmatic and less open-minded under stress. In an untenable drive for absolute fairness, irrational outrage blurs the lines between equality of opportunity and equality of outcome.

They too, will tend to endorse ideas such as, "People who challenge my ideals and disrupt society should be punished or silenced."It's just that their vision of an ideal society is quite different.

The right to "safe spaces" dominates everyone else's freedom of speech, and the willingness to sacrifice their own freedom follows closely behind. The Left calls on their own authorities to enforce their preferred view of the world; straining the virility of the 1st amendment under the tyranny of absolute equality.

Moreover, liberals are far more likely to ban their friends because of political differences. Perhaps, despite higher levels of education, we are not as tolerant as we'd like to think.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”Socrates

The concept of "Left-Wing Authoritarianism" is still debated, but is largely considered the “Lochness Monster" of political psychology as it is not an exact parallel. Find out for yourself, here.

The self-righteous dogma and lack of nuance is formidable, but faith in peer-reviewed science is not the same as the adulation of a singular political or religious authority that one finds on the right.

"Science is an enterprise and a collective effort; when we say that we trust science, we mean that we trust that many scientists working together on the same problems (and often criticizing or challenging each other) will eventually converge towards truth." - Allie Sinclair, cognitive researcher PhD candidate, Duke University



This gives way to the pervasive misconceptions of modern partisan politics and how, by compulsively (and predictably) reacting to the information on our screens, we've become embroiled in a feedback loop of reflexive tribalism.

This, of course, is the political spectrum we're taught.

In addition to being terribly oversimplified, it's a mere reflection of an outdated, 18th century French political system and a toxic representation of our own tribal behavior. Nonetheless, for the purposes of this article, we need to work within the confines of our current system (a 2-party duopoly).

Moreover, regardless of which model you choose, the solutions remain the same.

Still oversimplified, but slightly more accurate is the "Horseshoe Theory", which demonstrates that those on the extreme ends of either side are more alike in their ideological fervor than their moderate counterparts. Either extreme leads to dissolution.

Each side magnetically attracts its counterpart; sustaining an intractable conflict - essentially, a conflict that fuels itself.

So long as we are at each others' throats concerning polarizing nonsense, we are less focused on the endless wars, unchecked campaign finance, revolving-door politics, and actual legislation that might affect us. This is both an emergent issue of our system and knowingly abused by bad actors.

And so, this is the grim reality of a binary 2-party system reflecting the will of the ruling class over the needs of the many (a "Plutocracy"). The tendency to regress towards extremism is a natural outgrowth of our very frail psychology, gradual corruption of our government, and social media; incentivized to exacerbate outrage and fear.

The more outrageous, the more clicks. And as TV and radio now gets it's cues from social media, the more clicks, the higher probability of dominating a 24-hour news cycle.

We are being divided and conquered.

Every time we see "the news" (other than CBS, C-Span, etc), we are being moved towards either end of the horseshoe by the intentional misrepresentation of the other party's views by way of click-bait incentives and the profiteers of outrage media. We are only shown the extremes of the “other“ side -- A classic "strawman" argument. We are fooled into thinking that we’ve got a "fair and balanced” outlook, when in fact, we’re unwittingly constrained by our own custom-built news feeds that serve as a digital echo chamber; specifically targeted to provoke us. To make matters worse, fake news stories spread 6x faster than real news.

CNN outrages their viewers by showing every piece of police-brutality footage they can get their hands on; the more abusive and violent, the better. Fox News viewers are outraged by watching the plundering of Christmas ornaments. It's a "War on Christmas!" or is it a “War on Thanksgiving“?

Your average Tucker Carlson viewer really believes that you hate freedom, hate our country, and hate Trump.

Do we really? Do you have the time and energy to ruminate about people you haven't met? While there are those who occupy themselves in this perpetual state of angst, they are in the minority. The same goes for the most violent radicals of Antifa and the sad "incels" of white supremacy. Most of us are just trying to get by.

“Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance.” - A. Maysles

Each side provokes the other into the seductive victimhood of identity politics; perpetuating a media-driven culture war. In this way, we push each other farther into our most primitive, defensive, tribal, and polarized states of being. Even with the best intentions, our "will to power" ends up coming back to bite us.

Like an infinity mirror, this regression to our most primal selves will sustain itself until it is short-circuited through intervention; or in the unfortunate case we do nothing, it will explode into anarchy, civil war, or dictatorship. In that sense, perhaps the "Horseshoe Theory" should be re-titled the "Combustible Magnet Theory".

The will to power can be perfectly well-intentioned, but, it can easily go too far when it becomes an end unto itself.



Again it is ignorance (avidya) that plays the puppet master and sows confusion. If we conflate what people do with who they are in their deepest origin, we lock ourselves into an adversarial and aggressive crouch, an unending conflict. By doing so, we sign up for a permanent war between good and evil, which cannot be won." - B.K.S. Iyengar

In attempting to disarm Right-wing authoritarians (RWA), what does NOT work?

  • Trying to reason them into changing their mind

  • Scaring them with unrealistic and poorly branded far-left policies

  • Insulting them with charges of racism

It is imperative that "the left" stops attacking "the right" or even trying to change their mind. New research demonstrates that reductions in stress/fear can actually makes conservatives think more progressively. If you want to mitigate some of this fear-based extremism, then this is the psychological framework with which you start.

Thusly, The Right Wing Authoritarian (Trump followers) can only be disarmed by being allowed to feel safe.

Resist the temptation to debate with them on social media. Allow them a new home in the world of reality without judgement. (I know, it's hard, but if it helps, consider that they have been impaired through vicious systemic gaslighting). If you see a useless debate and power struggle online, own your truth, and resist the temptation to regress into reflexive tribalism. Link to this article, post #ignorehim, and/or make new friend across the aisle. Ameliorate the fear, disarm the anger.

Try not to insult, laugh at, or treat RWA'S with contempt. If they engage with insults, detach. Be bigger. Try to remember that what seems like hateful, racist, xenophobic, anger can actually be a cover for fear, insecurity, shame and embarrassment. Anger is often a secondary emotion/defense of deeper vulnerability. We all share this trait. Try to be respectful.

In so doing, we need to take a closer look and gain control over the political messaging of the press and our representatives. Stressing the RWA's with poorly branded, radical-sounding slogans (however well-intentioned) just scares puts them on the defense. Subsequently, they will forfeit their own freedom — and yours —in search of safety. If you can get so far as to accept the fearful and therefore potentially violent nature of an RWA, then you can accept that we can do better.

Though a deeper conversation is warranted, calls to "Defund the Police" amidst riots and looting seems to be a good starting place to consider re-branding.

One caveat - In the way of the media pundits and RNC politicians who knowingly exploit said vulnerabilities, please do publicly shame and troll them when possible. Graham (who openly admits it) and Cruz come to mind. However, it gets tricky with folks like Jim Jordan or Louie Gohmert -- They are likely hardwired authoritarian followers as well; demonstrated by Jordan’s past actions of overlooking assault on the wrestling team and Gohmert's seemingly authentic histrionics.

What WILL work? (at least, during this period of transition)

  • Accountability is a prerequisite on the path to healing our country. The implementation of restorative and preventative justice will be paramount. This article is not a directive for hugging Nazis.

“Higher education can play a critical role in protecting democratic republics against the threat of authoritarianism… Higher education promotes independent thought, respect for diversity, and inquisitive assessment of evidence—all of which can counteract the unquestioning deference to authority that is characteristic of authoritarianism.”

  • Try to make the Trump followers feel safe amidst the drone of lies, attacks from the Left, and fear-mongering from the right-wing media.

Be empathetic, and increase the chances that they can break away from the cult. Forgive them, and it becomes far less likely that anything like this will ever happen again; Not the least of which is President Donald Trump Jr, Chancellor Adam Hawley, Emporer Tucker Carlson, or Queen Nikki Haley. And as they are generally more predisposed towards physical violence and tribalistic impulses, we will be better off for it.

  • Though especially difficult during a pandemic, utilize Contact Theory.

This is as simple as it sounds — make contact. It means calling upon the powerful biologic need for community and tactfully using it to assuage their cult-like dependency . We are social creatures, and there's no way around it. “Social support has long been known to be an important factor in a variety of recovery programs and treatment approaches”. Part of the reason exploitation was possible (as is the case with any form of abuse) is because they were politically disenfranchised and vulnerable from the start. Hillary Clinton calling them"deplorable" did not help.

As for your “crazy” uncle that showed up to the Thanksgiving Zoom chat in a MAGA hat convinced that Jill Biden has sex slaves in her basement, (He won't call her a “doctor”, of course) reach out to him. Clean up your side of the street if you called him a "brainwashed racist". Apologize if you were mean.

You have plenty in common, not the least of which is our real enemies overseas who are facilitating cyber-warfare and election-interference in the hopes we implode. Bi-partisan supermajority support already exists on issues of net-neutrality, higher taxes on super-rich, and a $15 minimum wage. Or better yet, just change the subject.

Don't even mention the Dear Leader unless it's something as neutral as, "...yah i'm sure he loves the country, but I guess he makes it seem like he doesn't even want the job, right?" (It’s too soon.)

Just like you would treat a petulant child, you set the boundary (voted him out of office), and now stop rewarding him with attention. Stop with the memes (I know it's hard). Stop retweeting anything with his name unless it's helpful or actionable. Try to become aware of the tribal self-righteousness we feel when attacking him.

Hopefully, he will be banned from Twitter (Update: Success). It will be a huge step in the right direction. As is the case with any abusive situation, "no-contact" is the prescribed first step in the healing process. His control over his base will diminish once the Stockholm Syndrome has had a chance to subside.

It looks a little something like Merlin walking away from Queen Mab.

  • Boycott the Trump-addicted press.

Stop rewarding the mainstream media with your viewership when they fear-monger about easily predictable behavior from a malignant narcissist.

The only people peddling conspiracies of what might happen in the event of a constitutional crisis are those that are profiting from your outrage, fear, and viewership. This includes professionals that still think that applying diagnostic labels will somehow convince congress and Mike Pence to utilize the 25th amendment. It won't/didn't, and it's an ethical violation of the "Goldwater Rule".

The press is incentivized to keep us on edge. Don't buy into it. Trump uses the MSM to intentionally outrage the left, and in doing so, mobilizes his own base. Everything he says is designed to outrage. This is how we allow him to "Owns the libs". It's the perfect weapon in the strategic deployment of "divide and conquer". The MSM is addicted to the profits he generates, and we are the unsuspecting enablers; forming a perfect triangle. The press will keep falling for it if we continue to watch their toxic brand of infotainment.

  • Do not loot, riot or be violent in any way. Trump's best case scenario is to enrage the left, plant provocateurs to make them look violent, and further enrage his base. Specifically, stay far away from his rallies or protests.

  • Re-direct your energy by mobilizing, organizing, or donating to organizations that serve to fix the system that created Trumpism in the first place.

RepresentUs focuses on state initiatives which avoids the political roadblocks of DC partisanship. It's much easier to connect on policy when it's not steeped in national-level policy level framed by talking heads on MSNBC. Keep it at the state level.

In attempting to enact structural changes and promote economic empowerment (for everyone), we can mitigate some of that RWA helplessness and rage. Some important legislation includes:

  • Ameliorate tribalism with the inclusion of 3rd parties. As it is, our 2-party plutocratic duopoly reflects our worst tribalistic "us vs. them" thinking; gridlocked in unchecked corruption.

  • Grassroots state ballot initiatives such as "ranked choice voting" which serve to depolarize and subsequently lead lead to anti-gerrymandering, anti-corruption, and campaign finance reform, the legislative issue that presupposes ALL others.

Do you want your representatives to work for you instead of engaging in a system of legalized bribery in pursuit of their next campaign? Campaign finance reform. Do you want BLM spray-painted on the front door of Mar-a-Lago? Campaign finance reform. Do you want to dominate aliens with Space Force? Campaign finance reform. Do you want Congress to get the same health care you do? You get the idea.


The last four years have been exhausting for everyone on the right and the left, but they did not exist in a vacuum. They came to be through years of ideological hardening on both sides; accompanied by a media landscape ripe for exploitation. Recent events have proven that it was not hard to bend the will of a populace towards extremist ideology , and it will be much harder to bend people back toward reason and objectivity.

The attack on the Capitol Building reinforced yet another disheartening psychological truth: People believe what they need to believe in order to survive; no matter how untethered from reality. As the illustrious Richard Dawkins puts it, the human mind “evolved as it was to cope with medium-size objects moving at medium speeds through medium distances in Africa”.

I am neither hopeful nor pessimistic about the future, but I recognize that information is our most precious commodity (debatably more valuable than oil.) Our future will depend on how it’s leveraged and disseminated. While we push our government to instantiate these reforms, let’s try to offer the most charitable interpretation to those with whom we disagree. We can't afford not to.

We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory … will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature. Abraham Lincoln, 1861

Bill Maher, on "love", of all things.


  • Feel free to peruse my online home at, where you will find an even broader assemblage of curated links, related articles, and inspiration.

  • Please stay tuned (follow on twitter or subscribe) as I will be providing multi-pronged political solutions and psychological tools to disarm Trumpism and re-Unite the States from a legislative and action-oriented perspective.




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